
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I do life, with little people.

{A disregard for modern parenting trends}

I don't do attatchment parenting - I cuddle my baby when he needs it, I use my ergo to keep my hands free.

I don't do co-sleeping - sometimes my bub ends up in my bed all night, so we both get sleep

I don't do routines - I feed/sleep/shower/breathe when it needs to be done, and when life allows.

I don't do sleep training - sometimes the baby needs to cry, sometimes he needs a cuddle to sleep.

I don't do baby led weaning - I do whatever gets the food in, and keeps me and him happy!

I don't "dream feed"

I don't follow a book

I just do life with little people.
Little people who are unpredictable, temperamental, volatile and needy.
Little people who don't get the world's urgency, or need to rush.
Little people who just want to share this new crazy world with me, even if that isn't on the to do list.
Little people who don't care about your bragging rights.
And that's ok.

I just do life with little people the way it works for me, without labels or competition.

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